Sockeye Salmon are well known for their taste and nutritional value, but what is overlooked is the fact that they are also amazing fighters. They jump like crazy and can take anglers well into their backing with their ballistic runs, before finally coming to the net. With runs often hitting and surpassing the two million mark, it is no secret that when it comes to Sockeye salmon, it’s a ‘numbers game’. Averaging 7 to 9 lbs and getting up over 12 pounds, these salmon will give you a run for your money with a 7/8 wt. rod and by the end of the day you are sure to have a sore arm. Sockeye season (first -third weeks in July)...
With between 120,000 - 150,000 Silver Salmon (Coho) migrating up the Alagnak River, we think that we have one of the most exciting late season fisheries in Bristol Bay! Silver Salmon average around 8 to 10lbs. and are by far the most acrobatic of the salmon species. These spectacular game fish are well known for taking top water flies and leaping clear out of the water after being hooked. For these reasons they are personally my favourite salmon species to target on the fly. Silvers will start to show up in the last few days of July and gradually build in numbers through September. The best time to target the Silvers on our river is from the second week of...
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